Monday, June 22, 2009

Adding and Editing

Typical School Scenario

Lunch Time:

Question: What do you want for lunch?
P2G (Proloquo2go) user: from the HOME page, would hit FOOD+LUNCH+ food choice. Or for more advanced users, from the HOME page, would hit STARTERS+I WANT+SOMETHING TO EAT+LUNCH+food choice. This will say "I want (food choice)."

To add the word "please" afterwards, the P2G would hit MANNERS, and choose the word "please". For advanced users, they can pull up the punctuation keyboard, and hit a period, or if they feel strongly about it, an exclamation mark.

You can add the words more, that's enough, I'm full, I'm finished, let's clean up, whatever you can think of that would apply to eating lunch. If you want to know what to program, have lunch with your user, and see what words or phrases come up.

Visual Usage Scenario

A bedtime scenario, for a child to use Proloquo2go. This can be used in any setting, anywhere, anytime.

Basic Use

Here is the basic use page, to show you how to navigate through Proloquo2go.

Quick Start Manual

This will take you to the quick start Manual, to get a quick overview of it.

See it in action! A Boy Gets A Voice


I am creating this blog to show how simple and easy it is to use the new Proloquo2go at school in spontaneous speech.

I will also explain how to use this for explanations on how to use this application in practical ways for oral reports, testing, reading books, and various other activities, to show that is is more than just a spontaneous speech assistant!

I would like to thank Samuel Sennott and David Niemeijer for all their hard and awesome work to create this program. Also, thanks go to AssistiveWare and Itunes for the application, and for having it at an affordable price!